Thursday, 28 April 2011

Car Dealers And What You Should And Shouldn't Do When Dealing With Them

In order to get a good deal from a used car dealer you will have to be on top of your game when dealing with one. These people are trained to have the upper hand in negotiations and their aim will always be to get the most they can out of you. But if you want to come away a winner then you should have a look at the following do's and don'ts.

Used Car Dealers and What You Should and Shouldn't Do When Dealing With Them

- Do make a point of asking plenty of questions and not allowing the dealer to take control of the conversation. If a dealer seems to be a bit vague about questions you are asking, do not let them change the subject. Ensure that all your questions are answered fully and that you are satisfied with their answers.

- Do make a point of bargaining very hard and don't feel guilty at all about this. Unless you are certain that the car dealer will not go any lower on price, you should keep on pushing. Once you have sorted out a price you will then want to bargain hard for extras. However do not do this until you are happy with the price.

- Do check a number of different dealers to see who is offering the better deal
Do look around and compare the prices of cars with a number of dealers. If you just choose the first car you are offered it is unlikely to be the best option.

The Don'ts of Dealing with a Used Car Dealer

- Don't appear too keen on any particular car or the dealer will take full advantage of this. The dealer should think that you would walk away from the sale even up to the point where you shake on the deal.

- Don't let the dealers friendliness fool you. Remember that you are there to get the best possible deal and the job of this other person is to stop you achieving this aim.

Should you happen to be hunting for used cars, you could possibly find yourself far better off by methodically investigating the autos which appeal to you. Researching allows you to discover the absolute best used autos for the type you are hunting for. If you are looking for the very best, why not have a look at cars for sale Norfolk.